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2: Juncture

20 - Mania

Myna Wallin


19 - Blotting Paper

John Zurn

Blotting Paper

18 - America

Mozid Mahmud


17 - The Outer Darkness

Mary Ann Honaker

The Outer Darkness

16 - Six-Yearling

Hazel Hall


15 - He’s So High

Kagan Goh

He’s So High

14 - Waxing Crescent

Kara Dunford

Waxing Crescent

13 - Secrets from the Laundry

Carolyn Dumas-Simons

Secrets from the Laundry

12 - Music in His Fingers

Jean Crozier

Music in His Fingers

11 - Badly Burned Mathematician
Declines Prestigious Fermat Prize

P. W. Bridgman

Badly Burned Mathematician
Declines Prestigious
Fermat Prize

10 - The Project

Rona Altrows

The Project

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